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Keeping web development skill up-to-date

I recently came a cross a blog post from women trying to learn codding, and she decided that the best way to achieve her goal was to build website. In fact she has been creating one website per day for 180 days (
Her post got me thinking, in my case I'm a developer, I've been developing websites, software tools, Mobile phone / Tablets apps, Excel plugins, Web scrappers.... But all this was for the benefit of a client. I realised that I've never published my own website.
At the time I was mainly focussing on Non web technologies, but I was keen to keep my skills up-to-date on web developments. So I decided to follow Jennifer's lead, but not so extreme, rather than having such an aggressive time frame, one website per day, I did not set a time target but just decided to start building websites, the only constraint I've set was to use recent technologies and create something useful.
The first website is a pretty basic web site that provides tools for creating and testing regular expressions:
In this website I've used: Html5, JQuery, KnockoutJS. On the server side I'm using ASP.NET MVC.
I'll post a description and the link to each website.
Update from September 2018: My goal has changed along the way I finnanlly spent lot of time on the website below, it is a website for tracking prices on amazon products, it required a lot of work in terms of web scrapping and infrastructure, I sometime recently on the web interface, it is not the final state but just in case anyone is interested here is the link:


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