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Preparing for Azure Development Certification (70-532)

I've decided to get certified in AZURE, I'm aiming to get the MCSD certification which requires to pass 3 Exams:
  1. Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions 70-532
  2. Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions 70-533
  3. Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions 70-534
You can take the exams in the order you choose, in my case I've decided to take them in the order above.
My strategy:
I started by buying the recommended training books:


After reading through the first book, I decided to take some mock tests, I quickly realised that the books are not sufficient :). Especially for 70-532. Therefor I decided to more studying online especially on the PowerShell cmdlets available to manage Azure Resources. As part of this effort I'm going to maintain in this blog a list of post for each set of PowerShell scripts, it is going to be a way to memorize it for me, and a way to have an inventory of PowerShell scripts for the reader.
So in this first post I'm going to go through the installation of Azure Resource Management Package and then the scripts to open a session (Authenticate):

Installing AzureRM:

In my case I'm running Windows 10 Home Edition. The detailed instructions could be found at this page, below the step I've followed:
1. First step open PowerShell ISE as Administrator
2. Run the following command: Install-Module AzureRM -AllowClobber
3. Run the following command: import-module azureRM


Now that you have installed AzureRM and imported the module, you can start using. First thing you need to do is to authenticate and if you have more than one subscriptions select the appropriate one:
1. Run this command: Login-AzureRmAccount
2. You will prompted to enter your login and password 
3. Now that you are authenticated you need to set the subscription by using the following command: 
                                 Select-AzureRmSubscription  -SubscriptionId <Your Subscription Id>

Now you can start playing around, first thing to do is to create a resource group, to group all the resources we are going to create (VMS, Virtual networks ....). This way you can delete all of them by just deleting the resource group.
Below the command to create a resource group:

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name 'ExamPrepResourceGroup' -Location 'westeurope'

In the next post we'll be exploring the scripts to create VMS.


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